• L.A. Ainger Middle School 

    2024-2025 School Year 

    7th Grade Computers (Business 2) 

    Ms. Spelman 

    Email: kayla.spelman@yourcharlotteschools.net 


    In this class you will: 

    • Learn to type automatically, without looking at the keys or even thinking about typing 

    • Blank keyboards will be used. 

    • It will be hard at first, but it becomes easy by the end of the year if you follow directions and practice. 

    • Learn the basics about computers 

    • Learn the basics of 3D printing 

    • Work on earning the ICT Cybersecurity Essentials Certification 

    • Work on earning the ICT Multimedia Essentials Certification 

    • Work on earning the ICT Web Design Essentials Certification 

    • Enhance Academic Skills 

    • Learn how to use Canvas 

    • Use Google Apps to complete given tasks/assignments 

    • Learn other useful technology skills 


    Academic Assessment: 

    Grading will be based on a combination of the following: 

    • Class Participation: Students are expected to participate in class activities. Participation includes staying on task and being an attentive and respectful audience member during direct instruction. 

    • Classwork: Most classwork will be posted on Canvas. 

    • Typing Tests: Typing tests will be given regularly. I will observe if you are using the finger placement taught in the lessons. You can retake typing tests if there is enough time left in the quarter. 

    • Tests and Quizzes: These will be announced in advance. 

    • Projects: These will give you a chance to practice your skills. (Expect more projects during the 2nd semester after typing skills are mastered.) 


    If work is not turned in on time, a grade of zero (marked as NHI) will be temporarily entered until the work is turned in and graded. 


    Teacher Website: 

    We will be using Canvas this year. It is found on Classlink. You can access Classlink at home by clicking on the Classlink icon on the 香港六合彩直播开奖 (香港六合彩直播开奖) homepage or the L.A. Ainger homepage. 



    Materials Needed: 

    * Please bring a box of tissues. No other materials need to be purchased for this class. Files will be saved to the “cloud”.